At Rock Tax & Accounting we can advise business owners in the London area on many aspects of running and growing a business. The following checklist will help you assess your leadership skills...

It is sometimes said that many people may become managers but few have what it takes to become a leader.

What is the difference?

Management is about implementing, administering, and planning within predictable, controllable parameters.

Leadership is about looking beyond the predictable, identifying hidden opportunities (and dangers) - and inspiring people to reach out and meet them.

The last point is perhaps the most important. It is one thing to have vision; it is something else to persuade others to share it.

How do you score?

Do you have what it takes to be a leader? Answer the questions below to find out:

Leadership checklist True False
When challenges arise, I try to look at situations from at least two perspectives, one of which is fresh and quite different from our normal ways of solving things    
I regard threats as opportunities and always look for ways to turn weaknesses into strengths    
I am prepared to take calculated risks    
I encourage innovation and continuous improvement    
I spend more time listening than I do talking    
I turn words into actions and lead by example    
I never expect my staff to do something I would not be willing to do myself    
I use delegation to empower others, not just to offload tasks I don't want to do    
When I ask someone to do something I try to ensure they understand the purpose of doing it    
I reward people according to results    
I encourage an atmosphere of collaboration and trust rather than competitiveness and distrust among my staff    
I constantly create opportunities for my staff to develop their skills and broaden their experience    

Check your score

How many questions did you answer with True?

10 -12 - Great leadership material - you probably do not need telling what to do about it!

8 - 10 - Very promising, but take the time to think about how you could improve your people skills, and don't lose sight of your vision.

Less than 8 - Don't give up, you can still make it. Leaders are not born, they are made!

If you are in the London area and are looking for support and advice from a team of professional accountants and business advisers, contact Rock Tax & Accounting.

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Get in touch with us today to arrange a free consultation with a member of our friendly team.

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